So What’s cutting?

Its 2017, and this year, unlike many others, you have vowed to not make any resolutions. You perhaps made so many over the years and ended up accomplishing none. Even worse, you turned out worse than you were in 2015, no? Oh well, worry not. One of my resolutions is not to make any either. But…

I still want to be different. I feel different anyways so I might as well live as I feel, right? There are a couple if things I realise we need to work on to make these actually happen. There we go. Those are plain and outright resolutions right there! Sigh! I give up. I do have resolves, I want to share them as they may work for you too and yes, I’m going to shove them down your throat in just a bit.So, hold on, before you make any move…I’m not giving away any guarantees but, these could make that little difference.

Mind your own business

People don’t really care about you or what you do if it doesn’t affect them. Most of them, at no_one_cares_cartoon_round_sticker-r31fbfc8382b740d5ac6edf462f6d5b0a_v9waf_8byvr_324least, (eye-roll) so mind your own business and stop telling people what you did unless you’re sharing tips on what worked well on something they could do too…that, or you’re better off sharing it as a testimony (eye-roll)

Take up a project. Seriously!

It could be on yourself, your business, if you don’t have one already, or for someone. I’ll share a few examples…

  • If you have some free time during or after work, take up a free course on how to improve yourself. Even better, pick something you know is challenging or something you have shelved for a while. If you like to draw or write, put a up blog and put it down..or take up voice lessons for fun. You never know where this could lead you to.
  • Take advantage of current situations and problems and do something for your business…or start one. They say necessity is the mother of invention. We are a third world country and well, so much lacks! However, be careful not to throw money on a project you haven’t researched well on and worse, don’t get tricked into jumping on other people’s ideas. You’re creative. Yes, you are.
  • Do something for someone…this works best with someone who deserves your time. ways-on-how-you-can-help-your-child-perform-better-in-school-725x445It could be junior colleague you can mentor, your child who probably has shown interest in a musical class or your spouse who is jobless and perhaps, idle. Do something…we don’t have to call it a resolution as long as you feel the difference.

Read something …for a reason

I personally find it so hard reading autobiographies. I can get  so lazy I can google a summary note if I really have to. I’m not asking you to get an autobiography. But you can purpose to pick one motivational book among your fiction collection. If you love movies, get the book and challenge yourself to read it to the end. Improve your grammar and learn something new.Then, improve one trait with the motivational book. Just one, Fanne! Yeah, I am speaking more to myself on this one.

Be Nice!

This is so easy, you know. Don’t show others how miserable you are by displaying what brews inside you. We’re all going through stuff and we can get crazy too, but we don’t. So hold yours and fix it. Quietly. And with a smile.

Hold on to a trusted friend

These gems are rather hard to find. But by now, you need to know who you can trust and who can’t wait to like and share your failures. have someone you can help and receive help from; not necessarily financially, but if you do get one who will do it all.. by all means value them! Those kinda stopped going around! Now, lets go hack this life.

Have friends you can trust


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