Lesson 2!

January has been barmy. I trust I mentioned in advance how thorny it is to post here under minimum or no supervision? So I have been all over the place this whole month.Phew!  Thank God for the last two posts!

I reported back to work and was warmly received by a myriad of emails, a heap of bills and expired licences Wait. I was meant to dispatch an invoice last year? I promise, I never read that mail. It was sent over a weekend to be done on a day I was supposed to pick up a cheque and break for the holidays.

I had already sent Jane to her digs so no one else would stay home with Pesh. I let her tag along and took the two buses to Kilimani. I believe I didn’t mention that I live very far away from any green leafy suburbs of Nairobi? Of course I didn’t.

I wanted to beat time and be at the bank by 11am. I got to the office, picked a few things, my cheque included and locked up. The thought of logging in on my laptop with Pesh’s anxious fingers waiting to punch the buttons was no where near my mind.

Back in the office, I started off with the licenses.

A city council license is to be treated like a fake friend. You are forced to kiss its ugly ass and stand the arrogance of its mere existence. It will mock you, throw vomit on you and even ask you to lick it…ok, that’s gross.

One week later I got impatient with the fire licensing officer who gave me his word to come and inspect the office extinguishers. I did the honourable thing;

Me: Hello, May I please speak to Morris? (He had given his number)

Morris: Speaking.

Me: Good morning sir, I am calling to enquire on the progress of our fire extinguisher inspection

Morris: What is the name of the company?  (I told him) Niliambia huyo messenger wako anipatie transport, akakataa. (I instructed you messenger to provide transport, and he refused)

Me: That’s not what he told me. You told him you’d come the following day as all vehicles were in the field.


Morris: Hakuna mtu atakuja huko bila transport (no one will come there without transport)

I got impatient.

Me: So by that you are telling me that’s how it works now?

Morris: Yes (I immediately disliked the idiot)

Me: So, Mr. Morris, am I supposed to send you a car or money?

Morris: which ever you decide. That’s up to you.

He hung up.

I equally put the issue aside and decided to wait for the business to bring in profits. Only then would I send a cab to them, if ever.

Paperwork, endless typing, printing, editing, more typing, more editing, printing…

Research, office shopping, more printing, coaching the messenger, more printing, supporting colleagues with assignments…

More printing….the pressure was endless. At some point I wished my boss’s partners would reward me with tips. Ok I’m lying. I wished they could pay me a full separate cheque and secure my reliability. *sly smile* Most of the work I did was theirs. The most I got was a very warm thank you and a painful backache to nurse. I’m not crabby, well not much.

At least the month whished away and being the office house girl made me feel imperative. I love my job. I get to take care of everyone’s requests and enjoy the sight of happy faces when I present my work… well most smile and appreciate.

Let me save this entire trumpet blowing for my next salary review.

Days alarmingly flew by and had no time to regulate to the new year, thanks to the holidays hangover. I struggled to wake up and declared enmity on my alarm.  I slept in the bus every morning and evening in hopes that I make up for lost sleep; it sort of helps.

I never made resolutions. This year, the resolutions ambushed me. I am more intellectual with the brainy stuff the boss demands we come up with; I am more tolerant as everyone else seems not to be. I laugh more as people around me are getting funnier and funnier, I wear my make up faultlessly as we are intermittently in corporate meetings.

I wear higher heels more often as they drive my husband nuts. I never miss snacks in my bag for Pesh, lest she sits on my head and pull my ears. I am physically fit as my husband and I swim every Saturday afternoons.

Did I mention that I finally swam in the deep end? Yes, I have officially lost all fear of large bodies of water;

and we already got savings in Broke January!

At this rate, I have no idea what lays ahead, but I’m not worried. I have learnt lessons that I promise to hold close to my heart. I learnt to always put my family first. I have learnt that the dishes can always wait and that the rendition of love to my child is time. I have taught my daughter to pray and ended up more prayerful myself. I have realised that though silent, God is my greatest inspiration and friend.

In just one month I have set out a map and I have a very clear vision of how my year is bound to end.

I hereby present my greatest apology for not posting last week. Friends, I do not take you for granted. It seems lifeforcibly sat me in class and I took notes. It could not wait for me to take the bus and get to work first or for my lunch to warm in the microwave…it must have made an angry decision after getting fed up with me.

It thought to teach me with everything around me, and I became a good student.

I listened.

As we start this year, let’s allow ourselves to learn. Let’s pick the best out of everything and let’s choose to be happy even when the lessons are painful. Finally, let’s remember that God is jealous. Don’t take his credit for yourself.

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